It all begins with an idea.

Some grow up wondering what their gift is and try different things until they can find something they enjoy doing. Born a dj sounds like something someone would say as an exaggeration to a person obsessed with music and sound. It’s my reality.

Born 1992 and raised in the South Side of Chicago. Youngest of 5 and the only one born in the States. Parents set a different path for my siblings and I. Growing up in the South side wasn’t easy but my parents had a goal and always made it all possible. Never letting anything get in the way, there’s always been one thing that has always helped get through it all..Music. I’ve grown up around music my entire life. Every day each person in my family had their turn with the sound system at home and even in every car trip. Each person in my family has had an influence in some of the music I listen to. From English music to Spanish music, there’s a style for any occasion. Collecting music became a big obsession and I soon became the go-to person for song titles. I was the early version of Shazam. The music collection expanded to different genres the more I explored. Playing new and old music that all of us can enjoy always makes us have a great time together. Then Christmas of 99’ came and there was a gift that changed my life. I received an MP3 player that held 100 songs. Ecstatic with my gift, I immediately went to load songs to play on the go. One beautiful day a couple weeks later, I was able to obtain a home audio system of my own with the allowance I saved up. I played music for my friends and family any chance I could. Then one day, I was asked if I could play some music for a friend’s 8th birthday party. My sister gave me a ride to my first event and after my first ever successful night, I was given $50. Motivated and boosted with all the confidence in the world I knew what I wanted to do.